Phil Myers / Ballina
Phil Myer is the master mind at Free Flight Surfboards in Ballina near Byron Bay.
Who are you? Where are you living/surfing/shaping?
My name is Phil Myers I’ve been surfing and living in the northern coast of NSW Australia , Ballina and Lennox Heads area all my life born 20 minutes inland in Lismore, been shaping boards since 1976.
When and how did you start surfing?
Started in 64 at a River Break at Ballina called Missingham Bridge a mile upstream from where the river and ocean meet I’ll att another photo
When and how did you start shaping?
I was polishing boards at Free Flight and started shaping my own in 76 , Günther Rohn was shaping but went over seas in 77, Bob McTavish a friend of mine gave me a few extra pointers and of I went I had done a carpentry apprenticeship previous so i could use tools.
Do you remember the first board you shaped? How was it?
Yes, a guy up the Gold Coast still has it, I shaped glassed and sanded it, it went, I liked it and was hooked.
Which surfer had the biggest impact on your shaping?
Col Smith, I meet Col early 70s and later we teamed up to do the Col Smith channel bottom design, still do the original thing with 6, 8 or 10 channels. Col passed away several years ago now.
Which is the best board you have ever shaped back in the days? Who for?
I shaped one for Barton Lynch, he did really well on and keep surfing for two years.
Which was the most important era for you?
I gained all my insperation from that late 60s crew, George Greenough, McTavish, Brocky, who are all friends I just wanted to live that lifestyle.
Who is your favorite surfer from the 60’s-90’s and why?
Gotta say Nat and Michael Peterson, Nat shaped us boards in early 70s and Michael came down and surfed with us at Lennox and shaped in the old Free Flight factory in Ballina, they both to me were the best, taking nothing away from modern surfers these two appealed to me.
Who is your favorite shaper from the 60’s-90’s and why?
Gee, I have a lot of freinds who are great shapers, my inflences have been Ken Adler, McTavish, Brocky , Günther Rohn, Paul Hutchensen, Pat Rawson and thats just scratching the surface.
Last words:
I’m 65, still surf most days and shape plenty of boards, I’ve had a wonderful life and raised two boys Mike and Jamie with my wife Genelle, I have a lot to be thankful for, also might be doing a shaping trip to france in the new year, anyone in australia after a custom go to or call 0403230892 or all sideways surf outlets or online at for stock boards.
Instagram: philmyersfreeflight
Facebook: Free-Flight-Surfboards