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Simon Tucker / South Wales

Simon was one of the best european surfers and is now one of UKs main vintage surfboards collectors with a fetish for Cheyne Horan surfboards…

Who are you? Where are you living?
Simon Tucker, South Wales, UK. Competitive surfer from the age of 14, 5 times welsh champion, 4 times British Champion, 4 times runner up European Championships, Turned Professional 1988, won first two European professional events after turning pro Finished to 3 in the European tour for 5 years running.

When and how did you start collecting?
Started collecting my old personal riders.

How many boards do you have?
I have about 40 boards at the moment.


Which is now your most preferred board?
My main collection is Cheyne Horans mainly I like the UK ones, I worked in vitamin sea when I was 16 when Tad had the licence to make Cheyne a boards. There were only 70 made and I have 7 of them fortunately I have the very first one that was made during the first pro contest in Newquay so Cheyne could inspect and see if it was good enough.

Are you surfing your vintage boards?
I do not surf my collected surfboards as board design has progressed so far.

Which one do you like to surf most?
I have just found a Bilbo from 1965. It’s 10 foot long, I will use that on small days.

Who is your favorite surfer from the 60th-90th and why?
Tom Curren and Brad Gerlach were my favourite surfers.

Where can we see your boards?
My collection of memorabilia is on Instagram vintage surfboards uk

Last words:
Collecting old boards is fun and there are still some Jem’s to find.I have a couple of my favourite personal riders missing one a long hot stuff I would love to find.

Instagram: vintage_surfboards_uk_

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